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What is entrepreneurship and 5 steps to implement your entrepreneurial project 2022

 The concept of entrepreneurship has always been associated with those who made a strong imprint in the world, influenced their creativity, challenged obstacles, and came up with innovations that had an impact on human history, and they were known to have the ability to face challenges and create unique ideas.

What is entrepreneurship and 5 steps to implement your entrepreneurial project 2022

Among the likes of these:

Steve Jobs: Owner of the Apple brand.

Mark Zuckerberg: The most famous young entrepreneur of all time, and the owner of Facebook.

Bill Gates: the most famous man in the world, and the owner of the giant Microsoft.

Robert Noyce: Who built the Intel brand at the age of forty-one, which later became an icon in the technology world.

There are many others who applied the principles of entrepreneurship, and provided the world with innovative solutions in all fields, which have benefited and are still benefiting humanity to this day.

I was born with a different personality that loves adventure and practical experiences from a young age. This prompted my father, despite my young age, to make sure to join me in various activities, such as student unions, travel, and contact with people with experience and knowledge, in order to gain skills and experiences that would help me build a practical life that is not prevalent in our simple societies.

In fact, this made a fundamental difference in the making of my personality, and it made me keen over the past years to learn more about entrepreneurship in order to understand the practical foundations on which it is based.

Today, I seek to transfer this experience and knowledge to every person who seeks to make a difference in his working life, and dreams of providing real value to society, and to achieve the dream of material wealth.

In this article, I will tell you about what entrepreneurship is, and I will give you the keys to start as an entrepreneur.

What is Entrepreneurship?

In fact, there are many, many definitions of entrepreneurship, each of which deals with an aspect, feature, or characteristic of entrepreneurship.

Here I will put a variety of definitions of entrepreneurship, through which you can understand the idea in depth:

Entrepreneurship is: a set of operations that start from the ability to find innovative solutions to the problems of a sector of the public, and the ability to start implementing these solutions through the establishment of an institution that attracts cadres with distinguished minds, and the ability to continuously develop and grow by adding permanent and continuous improvements.

Entrepreneurship is: initiating the construction of unique and creative projects, working to develop them, and exploiting all possible opportunities to achieve financial profit from that, while bearing the resulting risks.

Entrepreneurship is: the ability to think outside the box, and create innovative solutions to existing problems, while possessing a spirit of risk, self-belief, and perseverance to turn dreams into reality.

Entrepreneurship is: a work behind which a person believes in an idea and has a passion for it, and is able to implement this idea in a way that makes the world a better place, and is able to influence those around him and make them believe in his idea, and then attract them to cooperate with him to develop this idea, and he is a person who is constantly hungry towards developing his ideas And make modifications to it to make it more successful and productive.

Entrepreneurship is: a practical field that needs a certain kind of thinking and action, and it needs a mentality capable of seeing life from a different perspective, so that exceptional opportunities can be found by thinking about the problems that people face, and creating solutions.

These solutions on the one hand provide value to others and help them improve their lives, and on the other hand offer exceptional profit opportunities.

Entrepreneurship is: the field through which you can jump from zero to a place that no one else imagined, by analyzing the market in an insightful way, finding needs that exist even if they are not declared, and providing a unique solution to meet this need.

This solution that we are talking about is supposed to be a high-value solution that the public can accept and deal with, and afford the price. And always work to develop this solution, and add improvements to it to make it in the best possible way to meet the needs of the public, and achieve the highest possible level of profits.

Harvard University defined “entrepreneurship” as: “the pursuit of opportunities, without owning or controlling production resources.”

By analyzing the term (entrepreneurship), we find that it is divided into two parts:

The first part is Riyada: which means being at the forefront.

The second part is business: which means carrying out the activities necessary for the success of projects and achieving their goals.

Many may think that entrepreneurship is a product of the twenty-first century, given the tumultuous technological revolution that accompanied this term.

However, what many people do not do is that entrepreneurship is not a recent term for humanity. Rather, its history goes back to ancient primitive life since the inception of agriculture nearly eight hundred thousand years ago, and the accompanying work at that time related to agricultural machinery, tools for transporting crops, or even methods of storing and converting them. for food products.

Also read: Mistakes entrepreneurs make when starting a business (you should avoid them)

The most important and most famous 3 types of entrepreneurship

1. For-profit entrepreneurship “(article topic)”

These are the projects and institutions that are established by their owners in order to achieve financial profit only, by providing services or products, such as Amazon, Microsoft, Intel, and other companies in various and many fields.

2. Social entrepreneurship

It means organizations, institutions, and societal initiatives concerned with contributing to solving the problems and issues of society, such as civil society institutions and charities.

The success of this type of community entrepreneurial project is measured by the extent to which it achieves cultural, social, or environmental objectives, such as its success in the development and development of society.

3. Political entrepreneurship

It means the institutions that their owners establish with a clear political goal, such as establishing a political party to adopt issues in certain political directions, or adopting a specific political issue, or consolidating political influence for its owners, and seeking power through these institutions...

It is worth noting that we n

Our article is devoted to entrepreneurship of the first type, that is, the profit-oriented process in the field of business.

The importance of entrepreneurship

1. Development of human capacities

The presence of pioneering projects contributes effectively to the creation of human cadres with different thinking, which in turn contribute to the dissemination of science and knowledge, and the education of new generations.

It is worth noting that entrepreneurship represents a human arena for creativity, innovation and the emergence of new and creative ideas.

2. Improving the standard of living of individuals

Entrepreneurial projects in the first place contribute greatly to improving the lives of individuals, as they work to find solutions to the problems facing individuals, and help meet the needs of individuals, and work to improve their lives and make them easier and more luxurious.

3. Raising the standard of social and political life

As we mentioned earlier, entrepreneurship does not depend only on for-profit entrepreneurship, and that non-profit entrepreneurship of both its social and political types also has a prominent role in developing the life of societies at the political and social levels.

4. Entrepreneurship is a major and powerful engine for the economies of countries

In fact, entrepreneurial projects are a powerful force that contributes to the growth and development of the economies of countries, as they are a channel for the emergence of huge projects that bring thousands of job opportunities, and huge flows into the local economy.

Top 5 traits of entrepreneurship

Pioneering projects are characterized by some features that distinguish them from traditional business, which make them an independent concept and have a special nature.

Here we will present a set of features that distinguish entrepreneurial projects, through which you can understand the nature of entrepreneurship in a deeper and more intimate way.

The most important features of pilot projects:

1. Creativity and innovation

Entrepreneurship is based primarily on finding solutions or meeting needs in an innovative and creative way. From this point of view, we cannot call any project (regardless of its size or level of profits) based on a traditional idea that it is a pioneering project.

The pioneering project must be based primarily on a new and different idea. Of course, this does not require inventing the wheel completely, but here we can get an innovative idea by merging two ideas together, or by making fundamental modifications to an already existing idea, or adding an exceptional feature or characteristic to an already existing idea.

It is worth mentioning here that imagination is the spiritual father of creativity and innovation. The ability to imagine is the only way to imagine solutions outside the box to the problems and needs of the public.

2. Take risks

Entrepreneurship contains a great deal of risk. This feature is mainly related to the previous feature, which is innovation and creativity.

In fact, man by nature does not like change, and he needs a great effort to adapt to the changes that surround him, so it is logical to find that it is difficult for the public to accept innovative and creative ideas outside the box.

Based on all this, entrepreneurial projects often contain a very high risk rate, compared to traditional projects. Of course, this appears clearly through the statistics that state that the vast majority of entrepreneurial projects fail in their first year.

Do you want to start your project scientifically and professionally, if you know the steps to create a project through the article with the link below:

How to properly and successfully start a project (comprehensive guide)

3. Flexibility

Flexibility is the property through which the course can be changed when needed, whether the course is completely or partially changed.

In fact, flexibility is a basic requirement in the world of entrepreneurship, because new creative ideas constantly need more modifications to fit into reality.

There are many entrepreneurial project ideas that have only succeeded through modifications and changes that made them compatible with the real need of the target audience.

4. Continuous development

This feature is very important in the world of entrepreneurship, and it is the only guarantee for the continued existence of entrepreneurial projects. In fact, no one can deny that the world is changing, and as the world changes, the audience's tastes, needs, and priorities change.

On the other hand, entrepreneurial projects are imitated, hence the intensification of competition, and there are possibilities for competitors to outperform the owner of the entrepreneurial idea.

In fact, the ability to constantly develop and add improvements and developments is the only way to preserve entrepreneurial projects, make them able to withstand challenges, and give them the opportunity to grow and prosper.

5. Provide value

In fact, we cannot call a project a pioneering project unless it is able to provide value to its audience.

Yes, achieving profits is a strong and essential indicator for every entrepreneurial project, but entrepreneurial projects are basically providing value in exchange for the profits you get. It is not surprising here to find that many know entrepreneurship as a path and a way to make the world a better place.

Steps to implement your pilot project (stages of entrepreneurial projects)

An entrepreneurial project goes through five basic stages, which we can consider as the steps to implement any entrepreneurial project.

1. Idea creation

It is the process in which an entrepreneurial project idea is created or found, whether by finding a completely innovative solution to a problem or need, or by developing and restructuring an old solution that already exists.

In fact, ideas are valuable things, of course, but they remain imprisoned in the minds if you do not find someone working to develop them and turn them into a tangible reality.

To be fair, we have to admit that there are people who have special talents for creating new ideas, and they have a keen analytical view that enables them to always seize opportunities, and even when the world is plagued by problems, you find them always going with their thinking to solve … These are natural entrepreneurs.

Of course, not all of us are like this, but fortunately for us, there are many plans, methods, and steps that we can follow in order to come up with creative ideas. Yes, the field of entrepreneurship is like anything that can be learned through study and research.

Good news that I will put to

At the end of the article, a group of great courses to learn entrepreneurship in the correct scientific manner from the best experts around the world.

But as a continuation of our conversation about the idea creation stage, let me share with you some simple points that will help you a lot in creating new ideas for entrepreneurial projects:

Read a lot about new and pioneering projects, as the best way for new ideas to emerge is to be exposed to many different ideas.

Use the Google Planner tool, which enables you to know the search rate for keywords that reflect the problems of the audience and who want a solution to them.

Talk to family, friends and all your acquaintances about their problems for which they are looking for a solution. Many of the great entrepreneurial projects started from creating an idea to solve a very local problem.

Learn to think deeply, it may sound like nonsense, but yes you can learn to think deeply. Allocate time in your day with paper and pen, think and write down your thoughts. With time and training, you will develop the skill of deep thinking.

Read also: How to find a successful project idea in a practical and thoughtful way

2. Study and collect information

After creating a suitable idea for the project, it is the turn of the stage to study it from all sides, and work to collect sufficient information about similar ones on the ground, and study the target segment, to present the project, its locations, and a lot of important information to build the foundation stone for the pioneering project.

At this stage, you have to avoid a very famous mistake in the world of entrepreneurship, which is to be biased towards innovative ideas, get excited about them, and evaluate them on a purely personal basis.

Your scale at this stage must be neutral, objective, and based on reliable information and statistics, and it must be built on the foundations and methodological steps followed in the world of entrepreneurship.

This step in building entrepreneurial projects could dedicate an entire book to it, and there are a lot of points that I can address, but this will make the topic very long, and so I will choose to put links for you to our collection of articles related to this matter, which I strongly advise you to read.

How to do a feasibility study in detail (a comprehensive guide)

What is market research and how do you carry it out professionally?

Market Research Tools (10 Great Tools You Should Know)

The Nine Building Blocks Business Model (Detailed Explanation)

How to define a target audience (in practical steps)

How to professionally create your ideal customer (Buyer Persona).

3. Processing, modification and plan building

After creating the idea, and studying it well, it is the turn of processing, identifying alternative plans, and making the necessary adjustments to reach it in the best possible way.

Although this step is an essential player in entrepreneurial ventures, many beginners ignore it. In fact, processing, switching, and adjusting are features that are mainly associated with flexibility, which in turn is an essential component of entrepreneurship.

When Mark Zuckerberg went to his university professor to show him the Facebook pilot project, his teacher told him that he wanted to change the name from the facebook to just Facebook.

This may seem like a marginal point to you, but it is in fact an essential point because one of the basics of building entrepreneurial projects is to choose an easy and short name that is easy to remember from the audience, and deleting the word THE contributed greatly to that.

Here are some quick points that will help you a lot in the processing and adjustment step when building an entrepreneurial project:

Consult your work team: When you start forming your work team, you will have to listen to them, because of course they will give you an excellent idea about the possibility of application on the ground and what needs to be modified to do so.

Consult specialists: You can always resort to specialists, even if it is a paid consultation, which will give you excellent keys to adjustment and positive treatment.

Consult friends and family: Friends and family are potential clients who can speak to you with confidence, so listen to them in the process.

Learn from competitors: They don't have to be direct competitors, but studying successful and existing projects will give you excellent insights to adjust your idea and process it to fit the market.

After completing the processing and modification phase, you are supposed to build a solid plan for the implementation phase, and this plan should cover all aspects of implementing the pilot project.

Read also: Entrepreneurship in the way of Abdul Ghafour Al-Borai

4. Implementation

It is the stage in which all the previous components of the entrepreneurial project are interconnected and cohesive. In it, the implementation mechanism is chosen, and a trial sample of the project is presented to the market, whether in the form of a service or a product, to see how much the market accepts it.

Although the implementation stage is an implementation of what has been planned, and it should be done easily and smoothly, the reality always has its say in this regard, and it will often make us reconsider a lot of things.

Here are some important points in the implementation phase of the pilot project:

Always remember that planning, no matter how tight it is, the ground of reality has its say, which you must anticipate and have the flexibility to live with.

Always remember that you will often need more money than you planned, as prices change and unexpected or neglected expenses appear on the scene during the implementation stage.

Flexibility, then flexibility, then flexibility, it is your real key to implementing the plan, and without it you will never be able to continue.

It is okay to ask for help, you can always turn to those who preceded you in the field to help you implement your plan.

Read also: Steps to implement the project (practical steps from the inception of the idea to the end of the project)

5. Development

After the initial implementation of the idea comes the development phase, which is a continuous phase of work to raise the efficiency of the project and improve the level of customer satisfaction. The project development process is a continuous process with the continuity of the project, and it does not stop until the project stops working permanently.

Here are some important points that you should remember regarding the development of your entrepreneurial project:

Don't be fooled by success, staying successful is much more difficult than achieving

Success, and your only way to continue to succeed lies in development.

Competitors are a very wonderful key in developing entrepreneurial projects. As soon as you appear in the market and start taking a share of it, you will find them rising up to regain their share again, and here you also have to show your fangs.

Having a strong team is an essential key in the development of projects, as the greatest entrepreneurs say that you should always hire people who are better than you in order to learn from them, and you must have sufficient powers to make them show what they have in their arsenal.

Don't take a big step before you calculate well. Remember well that development does not mean uncalculated leaps, but rather rational and well-considered steps.

Spread as quickly as possible. Rapid spread is one of the very important characteristics of entrepreneurial projects, and this is what you have to work on in the development phase.

Read also: How to become an entrepreneur (practical advice from an entrepreneur)


Entrepreneurship is not from the realm of imagination, or it is limited to a certain type of people who possess exceptional intellectual abilities, but rather it is a special model for projects that are characterized by presenting a new idea.

I will not deceive you and tell you that everyone can become entrepreneurs, but I want to tell you that there are more people who can become entrepreneurs than you think, and you are probably one of them.

And as I promised you, I will put for you a small group of the most important and best global courses on entrepreneurship, which will give you a scientific approach to be a successful entrepreneur:

Intro to Entrepreneurship: Get started as an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship and Business Life Coach Certification

Entrepreneurship Specialization (An integrated course from the University of Pennsylvania)

Entrepreneurship Strategy: From Idea to Exit

Entrepreneurship: Growing Your Business Specialization (An integrated course from the University of Virginia)

The Essential Guide to Entrepreneurship by Guy Kawasaki

Read also: The 15 best books on entrepreneurship and building successful projects

At the end of the article, let me tell you that if you have a crazy idea, or even the ability to look at things from a different angle, and always try to solve your problems in a different way from what is commonly believed, then perhaps entrepreneurship is the path that you are destined to take.

Finally, allow me to ask you not to forget to share the topic with your friends so that the benefit spreads.

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