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How to get free visitors to your site from video sites

 Getting visitors from video sites is a very important area of research for many website and blog owners, and even online stores as well.

Website owners prefer to rely on more than one source to attract visitors, and they always aim to get visitors from a variety of sources.

How to get free visitors to your site from video sites

In fact, the diversity of the sources of visitors to your site is one of the important factors that contribute to its success, and it also plays an important role in increasing your profits through it.

Currently, video sites are considered one of the most important and largest sources of visitors on the Internet, given that millions of users spend a lot of time on them daily. Sites such as YouTube and TikTok (and even the video section on Facebook) have a high turnout of visitors lately.

But is it possible to attract visitors from video sites to your own website? Yes, it is possible and through several methods, most of which are free and easy to implement.

In this article, we introduce you to the ways and methods by which you can attract visitors to your site from videos and their platforms in general.

How to get free visitors to your site from video sites

Videos are an attractive way to communicate with users, and this is not a conclusion but rather a reality, as statistics indicate that 65% of Internet users prefer visual communication over reading written content, and 35% of them prefer hearing information over reading it.

This means that the interaction of visitors with this content is much greater than their interaction with a written publication, regardless of its quality. The previous percentages are an important indicator of the increase in the popularity of visual content and the emergence of platforms dedicated to short videos such as TikTok.

In this article, we will rely on a specific way to get visitors through video sites, which is publishing short videos. Short videos are about a minute long, and therefore they can be relied upon as an advertisement for the content on your site.

Important notes about getting visitors through videos

1. Can I rely on long videos to bring visitors to my site?

You can rely on long videos to attract visitors, but statistics indicate that short videos are superior in this purpose. This is due to several reasons, the most important of which may be that short videos are more suitable for use as advertisements than long videos.

2. Short videos have more than one use

You can rely on short videos to promote your videos on your YouTube channel. You can create short videos, post them on your Facebook and Instagram pages, and use them to promote your channel and website at the same time.

For example, you can rely on a video of a minute or less to explain the idea of a video that you posted on your YouTube channel. The smaller video may be part of the main video or designed specifically for promotion only.

The most important video sites through which it is easy to get visitors

Although there are many video sites, the sites that are easy to attract visitors are few in number. Note that the nature of the video sites themselves greatly control the process of sending visitors to the sites.

For example, sending a visitor from TikTok to your site is possible, but difficult. A TikTok visitor rarely leaves this platform in order to check a site or a link, unlike a Facebook visitor who is used to seeing links that lead to other sites and interacting with them.

In this article, we will focus on the platforms from which it is easy to send visitors to your site in more than one way, namely:



The YouTube

There are fundamental differences between the nature of the users of these platforms and the way they interact with the website links. Some of the differences stem from the publishing mechanism of the platform and the other is related to the users' interaction with it.

A Facebook visitor may ignore the links in the comments or the comments section entirely because it contains annoying comments and links, however the same visitor may interact with a link on a YouTube video comment.

In other words, each of the video sites has special methods through which it can attract visitors to your site. In the next section, we will deal with each platform separately, explaining the best ways to attract visitors from them to your site.

First get visitors from Facebook videos

There are several ways in which you can direct visitors from Facebook videos to your site, but we chose the best and easiest two ways, and here is an explanation for each of them:

1. Post the videos on a page you own

In my opinion, Facebook is the best platform through which you can get visitors to your website. We do not need to make a comparison between Facebook and the rest of the video sites to note the distinction of the space allocated for adding the content written above the video provided by this platform.

Well, why might you care about the space available for writing in the videos? Simply because you will use them to send visitors to your site.

If you are browsing Facebook through a computer or mobile phone, you will notice that the platform displays the written content before the video. This is not the case with YouTube, for example, which shows the video first before the space allocated for the description or written content.

In my opinion, the best place to add your website link on Facebook to attract visitors to it is in the video description. In this way, the visitor notices your website link before watching the video, which makes it easier for him to access your site.

Some have tended to add the website link in the first comment, but this aims to increase interaction with the post more than anything else. This, of course, does not mean that adding the link in the first comment on the video is objectionable or useless, but rather it may be very useful if it is used correctly.

Use the statistics of your Facebook page to find out the best place to place your site’s link, directing visitors to it. The nature, purpose and scope of the page greatly control the behavior of users and their interaction with your videos.

Users interested in reading scientific articles will search for your site link because they are passionate about the content you provide, unlike the behavior of users who search for a link to download a program. They may not be willing to dig into the comments.

2. Advertise your site in Vide

Follow a page you do not own

Using more popular pages to advertise your site is a popular marketing method that a large number of sites around the world rely on. This method is easy to implement and relieves the site owner of the burden of creating videos himself.

The owner of the site communicates with the owners of a famous page that publishes its own visual content on Facebook. The owner of the page promotes the site by making a video about it or mentioning it in one of his videos.

The owner of the page may promote your site for a sum of money or for free, according to your relationship with him or his personal opinions about your site.

Some popular Facebook pages promote websites for free as a general interest and provide good content to their subscribers.

Important note: There are other methods that some website owners rely on to get visitors from Facebook videos, but they are annoying.

The most popular of these methods is to choose a popular video and add a website link in the comments (and sometimes in replies to comments) more than once in a row.

This method, despite its ease and its ability sometimes to send visitors from Facebook to sites, its effects may be very dangerous, as the Facebook administration does not prefer this method of publishing site links, and it may block your site link from appearing on it completely if it is reported.

Also read: How to profit from Facebook Reels (a comprehensive exclusive guide)

Second, get visitors from YouTube videos

As a website owner, you must have a YouTube channel, even if you are not interested in creating visual content at the present time. Try to create simple videos that fit the content of your site and publish them on your channel, even if not periodically.

In the beginning, do not burden yourself with technical details or create high-quality videos, but just try to have simple content and a good number of subscribers on your channel.

Getting visitors to your site from YouTube can be completed without owning a YouTube channel, however, getting visitors from YouTube videos on your channel is the easiest and best way to get visitors from this platform.

There are three basic ways to get visitors to your site through YouTube:

1. Post your website link in the description of your video

It is true that the visitor to the video sites aims to see the information visually and not audibly, but he may interact with the links as well. It is related to the content that you discuss in your video and how you can create a relationship between it and your site link.

Let's say you have a sports news site and its own YouTube channel, it's important to link the two in a way that benefits both.

You can summarize some of your important articles in a video on your channel, which in turn contains a link to your site in its description section.

  This benefits you in two ways; Your website visitor follows your YouTube channel, which is profitable, of course, and your YouTube follower visits your site, which is also useful and contributes to increasing your profits from ads on it or commission marketing programs.

2. Publish written content on YouTube

Recently, YouTube introduced to its users a new way to post content (through what is known as YouTube posts). YouTube posts that belong to this category may contain only written content or written content with an image.

YouTube publications are displayed by the platform in its own section, which is often below the group of videos on your home page.

In fact, these publications are not the best way to get visitors from YouTube, but they exist and are inexpensive to use.

You can design a written post aimed at urging your channel followers to visit your site with the addition of the site link. You can add an image to the post or rely on the written content only.

It is known that visitors engage with posts that contain images more than posts that contain only writing.

YouTube posts can be used to promote new videos on the platform as well, meaning that through one method of publishing you have promoted your channel and your site at the same time.

3. Post your website link in a comment

Posting your site link in a comment is not the best way to attract visitors to your site on most video sites except for YouTube, as some YouTube visitors are accustomed to discovering important sites in the comments on the videos they watch.

For example, videos that explain technical problems are a fertile environment for publishing your technical website link. Of course, this does not mean that adding your site link in any way or in a way outside the context of the video content will benefit you or convince the YouTube visitor to visit it.

It is preferable that your comment be related to the content of the video through which you want to attract YouTube visitors to your site, in this way visitors will not ignore your comment or it will not be reported to the platform as a spam comment.

You can comment on the video with more information about the topic it discusses and in a way that shows you are an expert or knowledgeable about this topic, with your comment add sentences urging visitors to visit your site, for example:

I have discussed this topic at length in this article (then you add the link to the article on your site).

Please see my point of view in this post.

If you are interested in more information on this topic, I recommend that you check out this article.

All the previous sentences are guiding sentences only, and we do not recommend writing them in the same way. It is also important to note that these sentences will not play their role without a comment that clearly discusses the idea of the video and follows it.

Read also: Free search engine visitors (what they are and how to get them)

Third, get visitors from Instagram videos

Instagram is one of the best platforms through which you can sell your products online. This is fine, but how will Instagram help you get visitors to your online store? Well, I will explain.

There are two options regarding creating videos on Instagram for the purpose of attracting traffic:

The first: is to create a video and publish it directly on the page, and rely on visits by directing the

Viewers to visit the account, and then click on the link in the account description (bio).

for example; In the event that you have an online store, you can make videos showing its products and put the store link in the bio on your account page (bio), and the followers will log into the account and access the store to buy the product if the video is convincing enough.

The second: Create a 15-second video and publish it as a story or story for a limited period (24 hours). Here, Instagram allows you to put a link on the video, and the viewer can visit it with the click of a button.

At the end of saying let me emphasize that Instagram is an excellent source for getting visitors to online stores, and it can also be relied upon to promote websites as well, but getting visitors from Instagram will require creating short and attractive videos.

Tips to make it easier to get visitors from video sites

1. Create engaging content

What is meant by content here is visual or video content and written content, and you should not focus on one more than the other. The video that you will publish with the aim of attracting visitors to your site must be clear in terms of sound and image and focused in terms of content.

Content written before or after the video should be brief and free of spelling errors.

The visual content is what will attract the visitor to read the written content in which your website link is located. As for the written content, it must attract the visitor in a way that pushes them to visit your site.

We know that the word attractive can be a bit ambiguous because it varies according to the content itself and who presents it in the video. In general, try to provide your content with a form of benefit to the visitor, while promising more of it if he visits your site.

2. Hire the professionals

Hiring professionals to write or photograph content is a very correct idea that achieves more than one goal at the same time:

Get professional written and visual content that will make it easier for you to get visitors to your site.

Saving your time and effort and directing them to develop and improve your site.

3. Don't give your all in the video

The purpose of posting on video sites is to interest the user in a way that pushes them to visit your site to learn more.

The concept of marketing depends mainly on providing part of the interest that you provide on your site within the video.

In other words, video and written content is only a form of advertisement for your site, and any advertisement must include a simple idea of what it is advertising and not display it completely, otherwise the visitor will not need to visit your site in the first place because he got everything he wanted from the video.

4. Use the idea of ad exchange

Advertising exchange is a very attractive idea, especially when it is implemented through a video. We often see social media celebrities making joint videos with the aim of increasing their popularity or as a form of cooperation.

You can also use the idea of an ad exchange to announce a website for one of your friends, who in turn will do the same for you.

5. Paid advertising is a necessary evil

Well, your use of paid ads may come before you create the content through which you will invite visitors to your site. Unfortunately, many video platforms and websites do not make it easy for you to gain followers for free at the beginning of your presence on them.

The journey of gaining followers on YouTube, for example, is long and exhausting, but it is understandable and achievable. On the other hand, Facebook algorithms will not help your content reach the right visitor, even if it is right in front of it.

That is, you will need to create advertising campaigns to gain followers and then convert them later to visitors. In the end, you may end up making at least two advertising campaigns on the platform, one to gain followers and another to promote the content through which you want to attract visitors to your site.

Instead, you can create one advertising campaign in which you advertise your page through a visual and written advertisement at the same time, in this way you will achieve two goals at a lower cost.

6. What is forbidden here is desirable there and vice versa

Each of the video sites has a special mechanism for publishing, as we explained. The difference in the mechanisms means that what may work with your site may not work with another site and vice versa. Also, the difference between video sites makes implementing the same method to get visitors from them is not guaranteed to succeed.

The latest studies indicate that the rate of visitor interaction with the responses that contain links on YouTube is greater than its theory on Facebook, meaning that obtaining visitors by responding to a video on YouTube is easier than obtaining them from a response to a video on Facebook.

7. Call To Action

The video or written content that you will publish must contain one of the sentences that call for the action required to be taken by the visitor. Usually the call to action in this content is intended to urge the user to visit your site, but it may be anything else you want.

For example, on Facebook, it may be an invitation to visit your page on it, and then gather followers to attract them to your site later. On YouTube, it may be an invitation to watch a video on your channel or to view an article directly on your site.

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